• Musicality and talent: Here you can train and strengthen your skills.
  • A large collection of exercises that strengthen your musicality.
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Nordal Brothers

Nordal Brothers

The first two exercises in each chapters are free - C instrument only. The first month are free when creating a membership. 
You can change your profile to B, Eb or F instrument during login.

“Jeg bruger nordalbrothers tit og ofte og det har hjulpet mig til at blive en bedre musiker” Mads S: S-Linien Slagelse (Talentlinie på MGK niveau)

“Nordal Brothers har hjulpet mig til at få styr på min øvning og har hjulpet mig med de mere uoverskuelige emner op til min MGK optagelsesprøve” Rebekka, 23 år

“Jeg er blevet bedre til at bruge mit gehør, når jeg spiller sammen med andre” Matilde, 19 år

Sheet music reading

From easy levels with few tones, half- and whole notes to more advanced exercises with accidentals, sixteenth notes, etc Find your appropriate level and start practicing on a daily base, while your level slowly increases.


Strengthen your intuitive hearing by repeating phrases by ear. Two- and four bars exercises, that increase in level, from simple melodic lines to more complicated phrases.

Chord hearing and modulations:

Study typical chord sequences. Get used to analyzing the chords while playing solo on them. Practice hearing changing modulations with a focus on improvisation by ear.


Strengthen your musical memory and your sens of period Practise subdivisions by imitating the exercises. 

Nordal Brothers aka Morten & Jesper Nordal have many years of experience as performing musicians and as teachers at academies, MGK , talent lines and musical schools. Our focus is to strengthen your talent in music.

It doesn’t matter if you play bebop jazz or heavy metal, good music is about the same thing: A good sense of rhytm, melody and chords, and a good ear.

 We have learned that it is easy to practice these concepts - just get started.

                         The musical talent:
-Music is life, creativity and art.
-Music provides joy and opportunities for unfoldment, that we are all enriched by.
-Music is a craft - the joy increases as you develop your abilities.
-The more fun it is, the better it goes. the better it goes, the more fun it gets. 

-All our exercises are built on real music, played by live musicians.
-Knowing the basics is enough to get you started. Choose appropriate exercises, and start developing your talent

Morten and Jesper Nordal

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